Bishop’s Message

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we journey through the month of August, we are blessed with numerous feasts and solemnities that invite us to deepen our faith and renew our spiritual lives. This month is a tapestry of grace and inspiration, woven with the lives of saints and significant events in our faith and national history. We begin with the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. This profound event, where Jesus reveals His divine glory to Peter, James, and John, calls us to reflect on our own transformation. As Scripture says, "And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white" (Matthew 17:2). It reminds us that we are called to be transfigured by God's love, moving towards a life of holiness and renewal. Let this feast be a moment for us to seek deeper intimacy with Christ, allowing His light to shine through us in our daily lives. The feast of St. John Mary Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests reminds us the importance of priesthood. His total commitment and dedication to the priesthood serves as a model for all priests. His tireless devotion to the sacraments and his profound pastoral care glorifies the priesthood and inspire us to support our priests in their mission. A priest is the man of God. It is God alone who choses him and call him from among men for a very special vocation. St. John Vianney once said, "The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus." Let us remember to pray for our priests, that they may continue to shepherd us with love and dedication. The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary reminds us that, she was taken body and soul into heavenly glory. Her Assumption is a sign of hope for all of us, affirming the promise of eternal life. The feast of Queenship of Mary invites us to entrust ourselves to her maternal care and intercession, knowing that she continually guides us towards her Son, Jesus. As the angel Gabriel proclaimed, "Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you" (Luke 1:28), we too are called to honor her and seek her guidance. The role of Mary in our day-to-day lives cannot be overstated. As our spiritual mother, she intercedes for us constantly, guiding us with her maternal care. Her needs today are the same as ever: to bring us closer to her Son, Jesus, and to lead us to a life of faith, hope, and charity. Mary is a role model of intercession, always ready to present our prayers and petitions to God with a mother's love and concern. A heart-touching story that highlights Mary's intercessory power is that of a young woman named Clara, who was struggling with a severe illness. Doctors had given up hope, but Clara's family turned to Mary, praying the Rosary daily with unwavering faith. One night, Clara dreamt of Mary, who comforted her and assured healing. Miraculously, Clara's health began to improve, and she eventually recovered fully. This story reminds us of the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother and the importance of trusting in her maternal care. This month also brings us the celebration of Independence Day, of our country, India It is a time to reflect on the freedom and responsibilities that come with it. Let us pray for our country and all its citizens, irrespective of caste, creed and religion, that they may continue to live in harmony. May peace, love, compassion, brotherhood, and justice be experienced by all. Along with these celebrations we also commemorate several saints whose lives inspire us towards greater faith and dedication. We remember St. Maximilian Kolbe, a martyr of charity who offered his life for a fellow prisoner. His selfless love challenges us to be instruments of God's mercy in a world often filled with indifference. Jesus taught us, "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends" (John 15:13). St. Monica’s life exemplifies the power of persistent prayer and faithful accompaniment. Her steadfast prayers and tears brought about the conversion of her son, St. Augustine, whose feast we celebrate on August 28th. St. Augustine's total transformation from a life of sin, to one of profound faith encourages us to never lose hope in God's ability to change hearts and lives. We also honor St. Euphrasia, who inspires us with her life of deep prayer and service. Her feast reminds us of the power of contemplative prayer and the importance of dedicating our lives to God's will. As we embrace the richness of this month, let us open our hearts to the graces offered through these feasts and saints. May we be transformed by God's love, renewed in our commitment to holiness, and inspired to live out our faith with greater fervor and dedication. May I request you to pray daily for timely and sufficient rain in Rajasthan. May God bless you all.


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